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How to fix the "Failed to send reset link. Please try again later." error?


This error indicates that your account has not been finalized or has been deleted, preventing the password reset process.

Notion image

To resolve this:

  1. Follow the link.
  1. Enter the same email address you used on the website.
  1. Choose a new password.
  1. Confirm the password.


If you encounter a "Too Many Redirects" error:

Please note that the page may appear differently, with variations in browser name or color, depending on the browser and device you're using.
Please note that the page may appear differently, with variations in browser name or color, depending on the browser and device you're using.

Please click this button to contact us, mentioning the error you're experiencing. To resolve it, please use a different browser and open this link. Try resetting your password again.



If you do not receive the reset email:

Check all your folders, including spam or junk. Wait up to 10 minutes, and if you still don’t receive the email, contact our support team and specify that you haven’t received the reset email.


If you have any further questions, please click this button to contact us. We're here to help!


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